Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CT Scan

This morning was pretty trying. Desmond was not allowed to have anything to eat since midnight last night. Since he's sleeping through the night now that means he hasn't eaten since 8:30 last night. I hoped to get up before him this morning and eat breakfast, but he woke me up and stared at me the whole time I ate my bowl of cereal. I felt so guilty.

The CT staff at UMC has been really nice. Desmond cooperated with them while they took his vitals and went under anesthesia very easily. After he got the gas they sent me to the waiting room, which is where I am right now. It was hard to leave him so vulnerable and alone with strangers, but I had better get used to it I suppose. This is going to be our life for the foreseeable future.

So now I just wait.

Well, I didn't have to wait very long at all. Only about ten minutes after going to the waiting room they called me back and when I walked in the room he was awake and being held by a nurse. He immediately started leaning toward me whining. I nursed him right away and he stayed there for quite a while.

We stayed with the CT nurses for a while so they could watch his stats. Desmond was fascinated by all of the cords attached to him.

After a short while we were sent home. We stopped by and saw Heather and Bobby for a short visit at Pearl High School and now we are back home just enjoying playing and hanging out.

Desmond was such a brave little fella today. I only hope I can muster up the calm and blind trust that he showed today throughout the rest of this process.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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