Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh Boy

Well, Desmond is just growing and growing and growing. I wouldn't be surprised if he took his first steps before his birthday. He pulls up on everything and is cruising about like a pro.
 Look at all those teeth! And of course that crazy hair!

He is also using that voice of his, for good and for bad. He jabbers away almost constantly. Everything starts with a "d" and more than just Carmela are called "dog" or "doggie." I've been trying to work with him on saying "more" when he wants more food instead of screeching or grunting at me, but so far no doesn't start with a "d."

He has started to throw "baby" tantrums. I call them "baby" because I've read that babies his age don't throw actual tantrums, they just show their frustration in what might seem like a tantrum. (Sounds like a tantrum to me!) He's become obsessed with hair. Whether it's his own that he's pulling out, mine or Carmela's that he picks up off the floor, he doesn't want to let it go.

Speaking of hair, get a look at those curls!

I will have just vacuumed and I'll look down and he's found the one little ball of Carmela hair in the entire apartment and will be holding on to it for dear life. When I take it away and tell him "yuck" he screams and cries and throws a "baby"...oh hell I'll call it what it is...a tantrum. I don't know what it is about hair, but he loves it. He pulls his own hair as a self comforting thing when he's tired. He will also sometimes grab a fist full when he is mad about something. And then there's mine. He grabs and pulls at it so much I can't wear it down even in the rare few moments of the day that it's not too hot to.

Last week we had a brief but wonderful visit from Ann Lowney all the way from Ireland. It was so nice to see her again. Ann visited us last year at this exact time. I guess I should say she visited me because I hadn't had Desmond yet. He was born three weeks later. She was very glad to meet the little guy finally.  The next time she breezes through Mississippi he will be running around and talking!
 They got along from the very start.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Surgery date

Last week we finally got the call we have been waiting for. Desmond's surgery is scheduled for August 10! His pre-op appointment is Aug. 5 and I will hopefully have all of my questions answered then. If he pulls this whole, "I don't have time for your questions" bull, Desi and I will just have to find ourselves a new surgeon and file a MAJOR complaint with the hospital.

He also had a checkup with Dr. Carron, the ENT, yesterday and he said everything looked perfect. Desi has to go back every six months until the tubes fall out. Dr. Carron also said Desi was the most pleasant child he had dealt with all day...and it was 3 p.m. Poor Dr. Carron!

In other news, Desi has two words in his vocabulary! He now says "dog" and "uh-oh." I haven't captured "dog" on video yet, but here is "uh-oh."

YouTube Video

And as per request from Desi's Teetee, here is a really stinking cute video of him giggling.

YouTube Video

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Farmers Market Socializing

Desi and I went to the Vicksburg Farmers Market this morning to pick up sone veggies, fruit, bread and a sunburn (me not him). We ran in to David who took over the stroller pushing for a while.

After a while Desi warmed up to him and even shared some sugar!

It was good to see practically the whole V'burg crew there. Team Mitchell of course were there volunteering. The Kennedys were out for some shopping in the heat too. Team Lindsay arrived as we were about to leave. Our travel worn friend, Sandy, our heat hating pal, Amy, and the farmers market pros Kristen and Amber were all there too.

On the Desi side of all this we ran in to his pediatrician who asked about how things were moving with the surgery. I told him about the disappointing appointment with the neurosurgeon last week and about the nurse who told me she would call this week with the surgery date but didn't because she's on vacation. He said if I call his nurse Monday and leave the name and number of the neuro nurse, he would call and see what he could do. Can I just say that we looooooove Dr. Sluis?!?!?!