Thursday, August 18, 2011

Time keeps on ticking...

Wow. Three weeks from today at this time Desmond should be done with his surgery. It's amazing how this has seemed to stretch out forever yet zoomed by at such a speed I feel like I'm out of control sometimes. And all of the bumps in the road have just made the ride that much more rough. I reassure myself by remembering that Desmond doesn't know any of it is going on. He is as happy as could be and is growing and developing wonderfully.

He is still pretty shaky on his legs and prefers to crawl most places. He has become quite the little chatter box. He still has the same four word vocabulary of dog, diaper, uh-oh and mamma, but he chatters nonsense all the time and it's really cute. We went by the hospital the other day to see his new best friend Leo and his proud parents, Sophie and Alex, and Desmond chattered away the whole time we were there. He pointed at Leo and talked to him.

Sophie and Leo on his second day out in the big world.
Desmond is doing really well in the 1-year-old room at daycare. He eats most of the same meals as they do, unless it's something like corn dogs or chicken fingers and then Mamma sends his lunch. He sleeps on a mat for nap time every day. He even has homework!! Don't worry, no algebra yet, just coloring mostly. Stay tuned, next he'll be enrolling in college.

UPDATE: I forgot to mention when I originally posted this that I checked in the MSCHIP database of providers and both Dr. St. Hilaire and Dr. McBride are providers!! Now we just have to make sure that we get prior authorization for the surgery, which Mary Ellen is already on top of at CHNOLA. Having competent people on my side at the hospital has made me feel sooooo much  better about all of this.

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